• Therapy is a life-changing process that provides a nurturing environment with the right conditions for you to blossom and grow into all the potential that has been placed inside of you. We believe in being the support you need to get through challenges and uncovering the tools you need to walk through life victoriously.

  • Do you desire to be heard and understood when discussing important matters? Learn how to enhance your relationships and establish healthy boundaries with your employer, co-workers, family, or friends.


  • Our prayer room is a space created for God-encounters. Here you will rest while you meet with and receive from the Lord. As you open your heart to Him, you will encounter His Voice, Presence, and Power while you discover a deeper connection with the Lord. Experiential encounters with Jesus rewire our thoughts, hearts, bodies, and trajectories. In the Presence of the Lord we receive emotional healing, physical healing, peace, rest, hope, direction, identity and so much more. Encounter Him today to leave personally known and deeply loved by Him.

  • Go on a journey of prophetic destiny as you discover your voice, get equipped in your purpose, heal from soul trauma and limiting beliefs, revitalize your passions in life, and re-sensitize your spirit, as you discover God’s powerful Presence and Heaven’s transformative truths.


  • The integration of Naturopathic Medicine with Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine provides the ultimate solution for optimizing health and healing. This consists of a thorough health history including nutritional status, lifestyle, family history, physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, and social factors. In addition, assessments pertaining to Traditional Chinese Medicine will be performed such as pulse and tongue diagnosis. Physical exams including vitals and orthopedic tests will also be performed if necessary. Finally, an individualized treatment plan will be presented to you along with the first acupuncture treatment session.

  • Sound healing uses sound frequencies through singing bowls, gongs and percussion instruments to affect the brain and the autonomic nervous system. This calms the “fight or flight” response resulting in relaxation, healing, and individual enrichment. *Research states that music reduces stress and can improve one’s mental state, decrease muscle tension, blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate. The tones increase the release of brain chemicals which help to focus the mind, foster stronger concentration and balance moods while reducing fatigue. Sound frequencies de-stress and calm the mind, inducing a brainwave state that brings balance, rest and relaxation to body, mind, and spirit.

We are committed to an integrated approach to wellness through holistic services.

Learn more about our providers, partners, and the services we offer.